Buckland watchTVeverywhere Migration

Migration is complete.

The watchTVeverywhere (WTVE) migration from Buckland Telephone (BTC) to TSC is complete.  If you, at any time, created an account to log in to wtve.net and watch tv online, your existing username (email) and password is now connected to the TSC account.

What does this mean for you?

When you go to log in at wtve.net, watchtveverywhere.com or from any TV Provider prompt, you will now select TSC as your TV Provider. Once presented with the login option, you should be able to enter your existing account email and password.



If you do not remember your account information, the wtve.net website does provide Forgot Email and Forgot Your Password options on their Login Page.  Note, if you were logged into watchTVeverywhere when the migration took place, WTVE suggests you log out and back in to make sure it sees your migrated account.

Finally, if your account did not migrate, please use the Register option to set up a new account.

Feel free to contact us anytime and we will be happy to help you get logged in.

Thank you,
TSC Customer Service
Customer Service: 800-831-6099
Support: 800-743-5707